Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Bad blogger!

My poor abandoned blog! I'm sorry!

I won't even try to catch up where I left off last year because I'm bound to skip things and it's a bit too much to play catch up all in one post!

The main thing to mention is that I have retired as a moderator from Den of Angels. I wrote my reasons why on my Tumblr blog and it was a sad decision to step down so I'd rather not go over it all over again. I'm re-evaluating my participation in the BJD hobby and as much as I still love the other mods and being a mod, I want to see if I still enjoy the hobby without DoA tying me to it.

I still like and appreciate my dolls as objects (and that's not wrong,) but I've not done much with them at all, whereas when I started in this hobby I wanted to be actively doing things with my dolls and not just admiring them from a shelf. The new things I bought them were not being worn and I barely photographed them. This year I want to see how attached I am to the hobby, and so far (seeing that it's February) I seem to be doing okay.

In the last year I've sold a few dolls and changed the line-up at home, but I'm happy with my choices and pleased with the dolls I have. I've updated the Ball Jointed Dolls page (above) to reflect my current doll collection.

I have some new exciting things incoming;

I have a new dress (for me) coming from Jennifer Lilly Designs on Etsy. I received it this morning and it's just as gorgeous as it looks in the collage. The flamingo print is so lovely and it'll look great in the summer.

The other incomings are doll related, part of my 'get back in the zone' 2014 plan. Mojito, my Unoa Sist, has had a change of look; earlier this year I gave her a new pastel-inspired face up and found lots of great green wigs for her to wear, so I'm moving back to the cocktail inspiration that gave her her name. The pink dress (from MiniJijo, Etsy) is for her - green and pink look wonderful together.

The dress on the LittleFee is for my very own LittleFee PongPong!! I have wanted one since they were first released and in October last year I brought my girl home. My PongPong is called Wishbone and I'll do an introductory post for her soon. The dress is by Icantdance (another Etsy find) and I wanted it a while ago but I dithered over buying it and someone else snatched it up, but I checked back today and it was back on Icantdance's Etsy so I snapped it up.

The other things are from Nine9Style; I have loved the denim dress ever since I saw it on Turbow's Bluefairy Olive, Miu. I originally wanted one to fit Deryn because I love the look of the denim with the bright red hair, but it wasn't to be because there were no SD13 ones left in stock. Mojito gets to be the lucky one, so hopefully it looks just as good with green hair! Deryn and my big girls don't entirely lose out though, because I got an SD-size straw boater for them. It should look fantastic with the Volks school uniform set I got them last year. I also got Wishbone some badly needed underwear. I always feel weird putting dolls in dresses if they've got nothing on underneath!

And last, but by no means least, the beautiful face-up belongs to my Volks Kun/F-22, Tommeliesl. I finally sent her off to Viridian House before Christmas and this is an update pic from Caroline to say that Tommeliesl has been finished. I can't wait to get her back!

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