I've been having computer problems and it's been disheartening to take doll pics and not be able to process them or anything, so I've just stopped taking them :(
I'm using a temporary computer to keep up to date with DoA and emails and things, but most hobby things are passing me by.
I successfully traded my Saintbloom for a gorgeous Soom Appini/Nobledolls hybrid who still needs a face-up, but my plans for her are coming along really nicely (she really suits the Leekeworld limited wigs in Bright Lime, so although I intended them for Mojito, they've gone to Lily (or to give her her full name, Lilithencadonatravitanenda!)
Lily is an alien, a bipedal carnivorous plant, and I'm styling her with some inspiration from art deco and art nouveau prints, (think extra-terrestrial Gatsby.)
I've also got two new heads to practice face-ups on. I have an Elfdoll Hazy and a Doll in Mind (DIM) Bellosse, who Lily has claimed as part of her universe, and are now named Elapeluea and L.S. Ziylora Ghosad. So I have two doll universes going on now, one sci-fi and the other one steam-fantasy!
One of the best things about these two heads is that I'm actually using eyes and wigs that I've had in storage and never used! I've not had to buy anything new for them!
In super amazing fantastic news, DoA is going to be part of a convention!
Dollism Plus US 2014, presented by Dollheart, Den of Angels, and Mint on Card
We are excited to announce that DoA will be partnering with Dollheart and Mint on Card to present the largest ball-jointed doll convention ever in the United States - Dollism Plus US in September of 2014!
Dollism Plus is a ball-jointed doll convention hosted by DollHeart in Hong Kong since 2006 (Dollism Plus - Tokyo was hosted in 2012). We are inviting doll makers and artists from all over the world to attend this event. While we have not yet invited vendors, past events have had many of the most popular Asian companies, including Luts, LeekeWorld, DoD, LatiDoll, Peakswoods, Crobidoll, Switch, BlueFairy, Nine9 Style, Another Space, RosenLied, IOS, Sadol, Pipos, DollZone, and AngelStudio. We will be bringing many talented companies to join us, as well as offering the opportunity to our some of our Western BJD retailers and artisans. If you're interested in seeing photos from some of the past Dollism Plus conventions, please check out the Meetups Gallery (HK Dollism Plus 2, HK Dollism Plus 3, HK Dollism Plus 4, HK Dollism Plus 5, HK Dollism Plus 6, HK Dollism Plus 7, and Dollism Plus Tokyo) and Dollheart's galleries on Facebook (Dollism Plus 7 Day 1 and Day 2)
This convention will also celebrate DoA's 10th anniversary. In addition to Dollism Plus's usual events, there will be a number of special DoA anniversary events and items.
The location of the convention has tentatively been set as Niagara Falls, NY. This is a great location, only a short distance from the world-famous Falls, and proximity to the Canadian border and a major airline hub will allow easier travel for both US and international visitors. Western New York has great food and scenic attractions while being gentler on the wallet than many larger cities.
At this point, we are looking to tentatively see how many people would plan to attend this event so we can secure a venue of the appropriate size. We are also asking a few questions about which vendors and events would interest you most!
Survey link!
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