Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Swapsies and a new family member!

I took part in a DoA Christmas/Ides of January swap! It was so much fun to do - getting new stuff is always fun, but it was a lot of fun to go through the list of things that your swap partner likes and try and find the perfect things that would fit their wishlist.

I put that I collect Momiji, so my swap partner found these lovely things for me! I will put Chihiro next to the Momijis I got from B and from Bunnyvon!

In other news, I went to see Les Misérables with Bunnyvon, Elektrik_Storm, Shona and Sian and thought it was AWESOME. I don't know how I've managed to not know anything about Les Mis before now, but I crawled out from under my stone and went to see the film. I'm unashamed to say I cried!

I've now got Les Misérables on my Kindle and I'm slowly making way way through the novel. It's really good, but so very long! I think having seen the film has made it easier for me to get through the novel. Even though the characters are slightly different and events occur in a different order, having the songs and things in my mind helps the story move forward.

In the most AMAZING news ever, we've adopted a dog! She is a 2 year old Yorkshire Terrier called Evie. She is lovely and very cuddly, but she hates being on her own, so leaving her in the kitchen to sleep isn't working out so well. I don't like hearing her cry, but neither do we want her sleeping in people beds either, so we're hoping that in a few weeks she'll accept it.

Here is a bad phone pic of Evie! She isn't easy to photograph - she either won't sit still or she flops on her back with her legs in the air.

She's happiest sat on your knee on the sofa, she doesn't eat very much but drinks loads of water (opposite to our last Yorkie, Toto, who would eat anything, but barely drank!) She's already showing next door's noisy dogs who's boss too :D Heart her already :D

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