Thursday, 17 January 2013

Dolly Doubts

Sometimes during the wait for a new doll, the doubts set in.

After the original shipping date of 31st December, the new shipping date is 31st January to 15th February for the brown tan Saintbloom Rosemary dolls. I'm excited about Kahlua, putting her together and making her look awesome, but at the same time I feel that perhaps I got too caught up in the 'OMG, affordable tan doll!!!!' hype and I should have thought about putting that money towards a body for Poppy. Especially since once Poppy has a body that's my doll 'family' completed. My other SD heads can share bodies and I'm happy with that, but for what I have in mind for Poppy I think it has to be her own body.

Ultimately, the whole hobby is about luxury. These are expensive toys and there's no obligation to 'finish' one doll before another doll arrives, but the momentum I had with Poppy (designing her face up one day and putting the finishing layers of sealant on her just 7 days later), I just haven't had that with a doll in a while and it would be awesome to finish her.

It makes me think, perhaps I should sell Kahlua when she gets here, sell the clothes I'm stockpiling for her, and put the money towards Poppy...but then once Kahlua's here and I've done her face-up...I''ll probably feel different again!

What's really setting the doubts in is that another collector in North Wales is selling a Doll Chateau Olivia, a doll on the exact body I would want for Poppy in a colour resin I would be okay about getting. If I hadn't got Kahlua, I could probably have bought this doll, or at least paid the first instalment of a layaway and received the doll super fast because this collector is really not far away from me at all!

I'm trying to rationalise that yes, I would be okay with a WS body for Poppy, but I would prefer an N-Y body, and I don't really need another floating head, especially since I have no character for the Olivia head and would either be stuck trying to sell it or have to keep it in a box in my increasingly bulging wardrobe. Also, if I wait it out, save up for the N-Y body I want, it will be better than buying a doll just because it's one county over from me!

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