Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Deadline Looms!

Well, after a very, very trying few weeks, I actually feel like the end of my dissertation is not only within reach, but that I don't think I've done such a dire job of it.

My work is due in next Monday and I have 3000 words left to write before I hit the lower limit. I've got a questionnaire ending on Thursday, after which all I have left to do is write up the results, make sure all my references are in order, then print it off and take it to Bangor to be bound. If I print it at home, the binding is cheaper, so I'll definitely be doing that. Binding takes around 3 hours, so I can drop it off in Bangor to be bound Monday morning, have a few hours with B while it's being done, then after it's completed I can get my tomes, hop on a train to LJMU and hand the damn thing in. At. Last.
It's fair to say I have not enjoyed the dissertation experience, but I don't think I expected I would. I didn't like it the first time around, and that has been hanging over me since I started the MA...so with that much trepidation of course I was never going to be eagerly awaiting the dissertation.

B has been amazing. Every time something went wrong he was so supportive, and last week, when I wanted to just quit because it was so stressful and nothing seemed to be going right...he met me off the train with a bunch of yellow roses and a pot of Ben&Jerry's ice cream. He won himself a zillion well deserved boyfriend points for that.
So, next Monday I will be free of my dissertation, I will be going to have a celebratory tea with H (one of my MA classmates) and then I will get on a train, go back to Bangor and sink into B's arms and just relax. *sigh*

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