Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Dissertation Grumbles

Aside from planning a new doll (which didn't take all that long), I don't feel like I've been all that productive today. It's one of those odd days. I've done quite a bit, but when I look back on it...not a great deal.

I went to Bangor University library to renew some books and get some new ones, for some reason that took up a lot of time that could have been put to better use, but at least I have some more material to go through for my dissertation. I wanted to be done with it by now, but there's virtually nothing I can put in my literature review. It's supposed to be around 5000 words, but all I've got is 890 and that's scraping the bottom of the literature as it is. I hope that there'll be some miraculous work yet to be discussed in these books otherwise I'm really stumped.

I keep fiddling with the word limit wondering how far under I can go without being penalised. I'm going to try for 16,500, which is 1000 under the word limit, but I might be really lucky to get to 15,000 at the moment. Ugh. I just want this to be over now.

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