I'm now a godmother XD It was such an honour to have been asked, and I'm so glad yesterday went really well at the church. There was a bit of drama in the morning when B and I were getting ready - my dress had to be pinned to my bra because it kept wanting to fall down *facepalm* I had a few clumsy moments, but thankfully I wasn't holding the baby, so I didn't drop him!
B looked very gentlemanly in his suit and he said I looked lovely in my dress - sadly I don't have any photographic evidence because my camera was in my handbag and the parents and godparents of all the children being christened were stood by the altar the whole time and my bag was still on our pew! Oh well! We will have to get dressed up again just for photographs!
I'm working hard on my dissertation today and tomorrow because Wednesday to Friday B is taking me away to Liverpool for a little break. It's going to be so nice to get away from stressness here and also actually have a holiday on my holiday from work. Before I know it I'll be back in the petrol station, so I might as well make the most of it.
We're staying in the legendary Adelphi Hotel! Wednesday we're going for tequila, sambuca and desperados beer at Bar CaVa (the decor inside is awesome, squishy leather sofas and vintage movie posters instead of wall paper), Thursday evening we're going to the Anglican cathedral for the Twilight Tower Tour they run between March and October. Friday is home day, but we'll find things to do before we go get the train! While we're there we also want to go to Tapas Tapas, Wagamama and Pizza Express - we don't have these things in north Wales! :( Please send some our way!
Liverpool is one of my favourite cities, a home away from home, so it will be lovely to be able to see the city from the tower of the Anglican cathedral rather than from street level. I can't wait to go!
Monday, 29 August 2011
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Dissertation Grumbles
Aside from planning a new doll (which didn't take all that long), I don't feel like I've been all that productive today. It's one of those odd days. I've done quite a bit, but when I look back on it...not a great deal.
I went to Bangor University library to renew some books and get some new ones, for some reason that took up a lot of time that could have been put to better use, but at least I have some more material to go through for my dissertation. I wanted to be done with it by now, but there's virtually nothing I can put in my literature review. It's supposed to be around 5000 words, but all I've got is 890 and that's scraping the bottom of the literature as it is. I hope that there'll be some miraculous work yet to be discussed in these books otherwise I'm really stumped.
I keep fiddling with the word limit wondering how far under I can go without being penalised. I'm going to try for 16,500, which is 1000 under the word limit, but I might be really lucky to get to 15,000 at the moment. Ugh. I just want this to be over now.
I went to Bangor University library to renew some books and get some new ones, for some reason that took up a lot of time that could have been put to better use, but at least I have some more material to go through for my dissertation. I wanted to be done with it by now, but there's virtually nothing I can put in my literature review. It's supposed to be around 5000 words, but all I've got is 890 and that's scraping the bottom of the literature as it is. I hope that there'll be some miraculous work yet to be discussed in these books otherwise I'm really stumped.
I keep fiddling with the word limit wondering how far under I can go without being penalised. I'm going to try for 16,500, which is 1000 under the word limit, but I might be really lucky to get to 15,000 at the moment. Ugh. I just want this to be over now.
Penmaenmawr, Conwy, UK
Darwin Violet Doll Plan
I know, I know, so I haven't actually finished working on Mefyswen's mods or got around to getting her a body of her own, but that doesn't mean I can't start thinking about another doll. ;)
I've always liked Volks School B and I think for this character the head is perfect, but I can't really put my finger on why. It just feels right to me. I was debating a couple of different heads for this doll (Pixydoll Dino, Crobidoll Thor...) before I remembered my old favourite School B.
Darwin Violet is one of the names I'm reserving for a future daughter, but just in case I don't get to use it, I want to use it somewhere! I did think about getting a little Beagle and calling her Darwin, but it's not quite the same.
This is my moodboard of all the things I've been thinking of that relate to the character or cute things I would like to dress her in/pose her with. All that's missing are a pair of pastel coloured Wayfarers. Glasses are important to this character, I think.
This is the current state of Mefyswen's head > > > > > > > >
I still haven't had chance to do the final things; sand her eyelids, locate some sealant and start on her new face. I am a bad dolly woman. An especially bad one to be planning a doll in a different skin tone - That means I'll need Ariadoll Elegance 14 Years bodies in WS and NS. I should probably finish the Mefyswen project before I start on the Darwin Violet one, but that depends on what I see first when I have the money - an Ariadoll body or a School B head!
Bella the Dal/Momoko hybrid is unimpressed by my lack of finishing up Mefyswen as well.
Penmaenmawr, Conwy, UK
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
I don't want to whinge on my blog, especially when I put things into perspective and know that I'm not particularly badly off in life in general.
I just want to say that I wish some things were different.
I just want to say that I wish some things were different.
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Catch Up Time
These last 10 days have been a tough slog. I've been working a lot more hours, I've had much less time to work on my dissertation and, sadly, I didn't make my 8994 word count, so I didn't get to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2.
I'm still working on my dissertation, but due to a number of factors I decided to ask for an extension until the 19th of September. I hadn't had feedback from my supervisor on any of my data collection methods, and I needed them to be approved as ethical before I could gather any data and time was marching on. This way, I can have time to get the main body of my dissertation done and only have to worry about data collection and analysis after August 29th, without going into meltdown worrying how I can do it all before handing in on the 5th of September.
I'm still working on my dissertation, but due to a number of factors I decided to ask for an extension until the 19th of September. I hadn't had feedback from my supervisor on any of my data collection methods, and I needed them to be approved as ethical before I could gather any data and time was marching on. This way, I can have time to get the main body of my dissertation done and only have to worry about data collection and analysis after August 29th, without going into meltdown worrying how I can do it all before handing in on the 5th of September.
Penmaenmawr, Conwy, UK
Sunday, 7 August 2011
The Christening date for my Godson, Michael Patrick, has sort of been decided; it's provisionally on the 28th of August. This is awesome news because I'm already off on that day, so I don't have to worry about getting the time off!
I've decided to name a star for my Godson. I know that he'll be getting a Bible from his relatives and his other Godmother is getting him a silver rattle, so I wanted to get him something that he will think is cool when he's older and what's cooler than your very own star?! Exactly.
Rather than pay for it to be registered by some website that will probably disappear in a few years, I've decided I will pick Pollux (Beta Geminorum) as Michael Patrick's star. I spoke about registering a star with B, who told me that registering a star isn't genuinely changing the star's name, it's just adding information to a star database and paying to do so...plus you don't always get to pick the star!
Michael Patrick was born on June 10th, he's a Gemini, so I thought a star in his constellation would be perfect and Pollux is the brightest star in the Gemini constellation. I'm going to buy a silver star paperweight and have the details engraved on it so that when he is older, we can go out stargazing and try to find his star in the sky. Hopefully as Pollux is the brightest, it won't be that difficult as long as we can find the Gemini constellation! We shall see!
I've never been asked to be a Godmother before, this is so exciting. Such a responsibility too, I really hope I live up to it and I'm a person that Michael Patrick can rely on in years to come.
I've decided to name a star for my Godson. I know that he'll be getting a Bible from his relatives and his other Godmother is getting him a silver rattle, so I wanted to get him something that he will think is cool when he's older and what's cooler than your very own star?! Exactly.
Rather than pay for it to be registered by some website that will probably disappear in a few years, I've decided I will pick Pollux (Beta Geminorum) as Michael Patrick's star. I spoke about registering a star with B, who told me that registering a star isn't genuinely changing the star's name, it's just adding information to a star database and paying to do so...plus you don't always get to pick the star!
Michael Patrick was born on June 10th, he's a Gemini, so I thought a star in his constellation would be perfect and Pollux is the brightest star in the Gemini constellation. I'm going to buy a silver star paperweight and have the details engraved on it so that when he is older, we can go out stargazing and try to find his star in the sky. Hopefully as Pollux is the brightest, it won't be that difficult as long as we can find the Gemini constellation! We shall see!
I've never been asked to be a Godmother before, this is so exciting. Such a responsibility too, I really hope I live up to it and I'm a person that Michael Patrick can rely on in years to come.
Penmaenmawr, Gwynedd, UK
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Today is a much better day than yesterday. My word target for today was to reach 3181 words and I wrote 3496! It's not a great deal over, but it's more than I planned to write, which is wonderful! Means that I don't have to write as much tomorrow!
I'm feeling even more positive that Sunday's target of 8994 words is more than achieveable, and if I hit my target or beyond on Sunday, Monday I am going to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 2. I've yet to see it because I've been so busy, but I will reward myself for working hard this week by taking a couple of hours out of my schedule to have a breather and a film.
I'm missing B and my friends too, writing this has been a lonely exercise knowing that while I'm here and researching and writing and everyone else gets to go to the pub and cinema and just hang out. Can't wait for this to all be finished and handed in and then I can get to know my friends again! I'm sure they'll have forgotten me after this.
No, I can't think negative thoughts now, it's been a good productive day and I should be glad for that.
Goodnight everyone!
I'm feeling even more positive that Sunday's target of 8994 words is more than achieveable, and if I hit my target or beyond on Sunday, Monday I am going to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 2. I've yet to see it because I've been so busy, but I will reward myself for working hard this week by taking a couple of hours out of my schedule to have a breather and a film.
I'm missing B and my friends too, writing this has been a lonely exercise knowing that while I'm here and researching and writing and everyone else gets to go to the pub and cinema and just hang out. Can't wait for this to all be finished and handed in and then I can get to know my friends again! I'm sure they'll have forgotten me after this.
No, I can't think negative thoughts now, it's been a good productive day and I should be glad for that.
Goodnight everyone!
Penmaenmawr, Gwynedd, UK
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
I'm so upset right now, I don't know what to do. I'm not participating in the DoA staff contest any more because so many things have already gone wrong.
- My MSC can has disappeared and I don't have time to get more or find Purity Seal to replace it, I thought I would have just enough to do this one face-up for the project and then have time to get Purity Seal to do a lasting one, so I have to abandon my project with Mefyswen for now because I can't do her face-up,
- I switched my project to a bedroom box for Fflur, but when I took her out of her box to have a look at her, her default faceplate fell off - the magnet had come out. Magnets are easy enough to put back with a little superglue but no...the magnet will not lie flush with the resin, so when I put her faceplate back on, there's a huge horrid gape between her faceplate and the headback. There's also a smear of superglue on the side of her face. The magnet just fell out of her frowning faceplate too...I'm not going to touch that just in case I ruin that as well
Penmaenmawr, Gwynedd, UK
Monday, 1 August 2011
Doll Project
This August, Den of Angels celebrates its 7th birthday; for the past few years there have been anniversary contests with some lovely donated prizes by different companies. Moderators like to play along in the contests too, so this year there is a staff only talent competition. Entries are due in on August 15th.
I don't tend to take part in the anniversary challenges and competitions, sometimes it's because I'm not feeling the inspiration to take part, but mainly it's down to not having enough time. This year however, when I really do NOT have the time because of my dissertation, I feel like I should take part and I really want to. My original idea had to be scaled waaaaay back because I just do not have the time to devote to that level of detail, but hopefully one day I'll be able to resurrect it. My current idea, the one I'm going to run with, is much simpler and will enable me to do a good job, but also fit it in around my dissertation. Hopefully.
I won't give too much away now, and in any case there will be progress journals on DoA once the pieces are submitted, but I will just say that I am using red dotted fabric (think ladybird) and I'm making pyjamas.
The doll I'm using is a modified Volks F-05, an oldskin FCS head (it's the sleeping Four Sisters head - renamed F-03 after the FCS overhaul), she had her eyes opened a few owners ago, but I've closed them back up because I already have an open-eyed version of this sculpt. You can see the modification on my Flickr. The modification I don't mind talking about because that's not the focus of my 'talent show' offering. I've never done any modding before and I suppose that you can tell from the picture, but I'm quite proud of how it's turned out. I just need to sand the Milliput a little to even it out and then I can start on the face-up - I desperately need some new sealant though. MSC is very rare and expensive in the UK, so I've been looking at alternatives. Games Workshop Purity Seal seems to be the best bet within the UK, you get more sealant per can with Purity Seal than MSC and it is safe on resin. I just hope it dries as quickly as MSC does.
On the dissertation front I'm not doing too shabbily. I still have my 8994 word target in my sights with 6842 words to go, not too bad at all considering I started properly yesterday. I do have a shift at work tomorrow, which is annoying and eats into my time, but it's a time-in-lieu (T/L) shift, so at least I'll get the time back when I need it (the week before my dissertation is due!)
I don't tend to take part in the anniversary challenges and competitions, sometimes it's because I'm not feeling the inspiration to take part, but mainly it's down to not having enough time. This year however, when I really do NOT have the time because of my dissertation, I feel like I should take part and I really want to. My original idea had to be scaled waaaaay back because I just do not have the time to devote to that level of detail, but hopefully one day I'll be able to resurrect it. My current idea, the one I'm going to run with, is much simpler and will enable me to do a good job, but also fit it in around my dissertation. Hopefully.
I won't give too much away now, and in any case there will be progress journals on DoA once the pieces are submitted, but I will just say that I am using red dotted fabric (think ladybird) and I'm making pyjamas.
The doll I'm using is a modified Volks F-05, an oldskin FCS head (it's the sleeping Four Sisters head - renamed F-03 after the FCS overhaul), she had her eyes opened a few owners ago, but I've closed them back up because I already have an open-eyed version of this sculpt. You can see the modification on my Flickr. The modification I don't mind talking about because that's not the focus of my 'talent show' offering. I've never done any modding before and I suppose that you can tell from the picture, but I'm quite proud of how it's turned out. I just need to sand the Milliput a little to even it out and then I can start on the face-up - I desperately need some new sealant though. MSC is very rare and expensive in the UK, so I've been looking at alternatives. Games Workshop Purity Seal seems to be the best bet within the UK, you get more sealant per can with Purity Seal than MSC and it is safe on resin. I just hope it dries as quickly as MSC does.
On the dissertation front I'm not doing too shabbily. I still have my 8994 word target in my sights with 6842 words to go, not too bad at all considering I started properly yesterday. I do have a shift at work tomorrow, which is annoying and eats into my time, but it's a time-in-lieu (T/L) shift, so at least I'll get the time back when I need it (the week before my dissertation is due!)
Penmaenmawr, Gwynedd, UK
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