Saturday, 26 April 2014

The latest incarnation of Bellosse: Sigrid

I am trying to do something with my DIM Bellosse. I put her on the 'good' SD13 body* yesterday and although the resin match was atrocious, it was nice to dress her up and do something with her.

I decided that a change of name and identity might help me move along with her better. She is now Sigrid Blodhäxa, a very sweet and colourful vampire. I really like the name Sigrid (I gave that name to a NP character in my brother's Game of Thrones RPG, Sigrid of House Greyjoy, the great aunt of Theon and Asha and Water Witch of Pyke,) and the more I think about the name in association with my Bellosse the more it is working out for me, which is a good sign. Her other name, Blodhäxa, just means 'bloodwitch' in Swedish. I chose it because it worked well with Sigrid and she's a vampire and she can have magical powers if she wants to...

So that's where I am with her at the moment. I'm working on her face-up and hopefully I'll have something to show for that soon. Then I will have to think about a body for her (even though I said I didn't want to have too many bodies around!) I am considering a Zaoll body. The resin won't be a perfect match but it will be a lot closer than the NS-yellow tone of the Volks dolls I have here, and it will be a different body shape and size because Zaolls are midi-larger dolls, so it'll be nice to have a range of heights.

*i.e. the one that is really well strung and KIPS'ed and will stand and pose well, even though it is yellowed and I haven't been fussed enough to give it a good clean. As opposed to the 'bad' SD13 body which is actually not yellowed, but is floppily strung, has no KIPS and won't pose worth a damn.


I have some fun incomings for Melangell and my other SD girls!

Melangell and Poppy are getting some new Leekeworld wigs to share. I have bought them an LR-020_E in Natural Black from eBay, so that arrived very quickly. The other two are LR-102_E (blonde bob) and W074_E (pink with braid) and both are Natural Black too. These wigs are part of a Leeke GO I joined, so it will take a while for those to arrive.

The strawberry camera and crown headband are by Kuloft from Etsy. I bought a pair of antlers from Kuloft for Gwenllian and they fit her very well so I thought it was a safe bet to go again, but my parcel from Kuloft arrived this morning and the strawberry camera was missing and the headband is a little large for my mostly 8-9 headed SD girls, but I think with a thicker wig it will fit better. My parcel contained a Lati Yellow-sized antler headband which is very cute, but won't fit anyone here. I've messaged Kuloft about the mix up and hopefully it'll be sorted soon.

Melangell is half-Welsh and half-Japanese so I bought this little lapel pin to put on her jacket. The Dr Marten style boots are for Meli as well. The Volks sailor set (yes, I know, another sailor set...) is for everyone to share.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Melangell's Return

Well, my dreams of a Crobidoll Thor Flamingo Girl were not (yet) to be and I got a refund from the seller. While I was moping a bit, I decided not to give up and to keep trying to find another head that would fit my criteria (matches Volks NS, is gorgeous...) and found a head by an artist completely unknown to me before now.
The seller was in the UK, so that was an extra fabulous bonus, and I had the funds all there ready after getting my refund, so the sale was concluded in just a couple of days. The new head arrived on Saturday morning, but with work and stuff I hadn't had chance to take pictures of her until today.
I proudly introduce... Oopnix Zid!
Not the head you or I was expecting but a very gorgeous and happy arrival!
Oopnix is the studio name of a Korean doll artist and the Zid sculpt was made in 2011 in very small quantities and was only available to Korean buyers, which makes her a very special, rare head. The collector I bought her from was her first owner too.
I am thrilled with this head!
However... when I unwrapped her and put in her blue eyes and pink wig, she didn't feel like Flamingo Girl to me. The longer I see her with the eyes and wig the better it looks IMO, but it still isn't 'perfect'...and that's because this doll has decided she isn't going to be Flamingo Girl, but instead she is Melangell Shigeta returned!
Melangell Shigeta is a Welsh/Japanese character I had a few years ago and this head is perfect for her. So, she's not who I bought her to be, but she's going to be awesome anyway! I am determined to have my Flamingo Girl one day, but for now I'm going to send Melangell off to Viridian House for a custom face-up and arrange for a dark wig for her to look truly like herself again :)