Monday, 21 May 2012

Spring Evening

I had a small photoshoot with Deryn this evening while the light was still pretty.

She has a new wig! She's always going to be a redhead, but this time her wig is from Little Monica. The style is called 'Simply Bob' and the colour is 'Carrot'. It's a perfect match for the Limited Edition Leeke wigs I got for her at Christmas in 'Real Carrot'. It's going to be great if Little Monica bring out more styles of wigs in this colour because this is her hair colour and anything else would look a bit weird on her now. I'd love to have more wigs in this colour so she can have more hairstyle options.

I really recommend Little Monica wigs - I recommend Crobidoll wigs too. I used to rely on Leekeworld because all the wigs I received from them were in great condition and the number of styles and colours available is huge, but I don't like that dark wigs have black wig caps because the risk of staining is really high. I was so impressed when I recieved Melangell's dark wig from Crobidoll because it had a flesh-tone wig cap, not a dark one. The overall quality of the wig is great anyway, but extra thumbs up for the light wig cap! Likewise, this Little Monica wig has a light wig cap too.

She's sat in the cherry tree in my garden - it's formed a brilliant natural seat where the trunk splits into three main branches. I can sit dolls in the fork of the tree really securely. (I wish the bungalow behind her was a bit more obscured but oh well!)

The outfit she's wearing is Dollheart's Pure Maid outfit, her stockings are by Plume Blanche Creations and her shoes are by Releaserain. The Pure Maid outfit is great for Christmas or Valentine-themed pictures and is pretty much the only lolita outfit I have in SD-size. I am interested in more loli-outfits because they're just so pretty!

Wish Wish Wish!

I've just placed a pre-order for Wish magazine, the whimsical fashion, design, crafts & cute things magazine based on the WishWishWish blog.

I've been a huge fan of the blog for a while now and I can't wait to get the magazine and read it over a lovely cup of tea. I'm very excited!

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

BJD Addicts Written Prompts: #4, #14, #20

I haven't done any BJD Addicts prompts for a while, so here's three more!

BJD Addicts Written Prompt #4 - Favourite Brand/Store
This is an easy one - Volks!! Firstly I can't emphasise enough how important good customer service is for BJD companies selling on the international market. With Volks you know that your concerns won't be ignored and they keep you updated easily with shipping and tracking information. I have never had a problem with Volks and that's one reason why they'll always have my customer loyalty.

Lots of people complain that Volks sculpts are boring or too conventional...and I guess if your thing is the Soom fantasy dolls or the ultra mobile Feeple 65 or MiniFee, you have a point there. However, there are over 70 different FCS heads to choose from (the Volks Full-Choice doll system, creating a doll just the way you like it!), and as for limited dolls, at the last count there were well over 290! So even if Volks' standards don't appeal to you, there is going to be one out over 300 dolls that will.

Volks dolls are occasionally let down by the plain sales pictures but I like that they are plain. I can definitely see what I'm getting in the doll and I'd rather a clear, plain photo than an overly photoshopped one, or one where the doll's wig and clothes obscure what the doll really looks like.

Volks resin is consistent from one batch to the next, so you can be sure that when you're hybriding parts of Volks dolls your doll is still going to be all the same colour. The resin has a nice density and texture, a Volks doll feels so solid and stable when you touch it.

Aside from the dolls and the customer service, Volks has a great range of clothes, tools and art supplies. There's so many reasons why they have been the best in the business since the advent of the modern Asian Ball Jointed Doll hobby (pioneered by Volks) and I would not hesitated to recommend Volks to anyone.

One of the other common complaints about Volks is that their dolls are expensive. Protip - if you think you can't afford a Volks doll, check out Mandarake (it's one of Japan's largest seller of second-hand hobby paraphernalia and they do ship internationally), a perfectly good Volks SD10 body was recently for sale there for £150! Second-hand heads can be picked up for similar prices depending on their rarity.

BJD Addicts Written Prompt #14 - Favourite Commissioners?
I don't commission a lot for my dolls, but when it comes to face-ups I do (because I've tried and although I enjoy doing them, there are others who do the work so much prettier than I can ever hope to.)

My favourite person to commission is Caroline of Viridian House. Her work is truly lovely and really brings out all the sweetness in a BJD sculpt. She's painted Mafonwen, my Megu, and Morideryn, my School B. I know that whenever the next doll needs a new face-up I'm going to be booking a slot with Caroline. I just adore her work. She's a great person to commission too, she owns dolls, so she is in the hobby and understands dolly people foibles about keeping in good contact during the commission and she really knows the medium. Her paints and sealants are all resin-safe and her background in illustration is brilliant for understanding the requirements of the face-up and the 'look' that the owner wants to achieve with the doll. 

BJD Addicts Written Prompt #20 - Selling
I've sold a few dolls now and sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's difficult. I firmly believe that if a doll isn't working out, you should let it go. It's easier on you to try and find something else that works for you and in a way, it's also kinder on the doll - someone else will get to buy it and enjoy it. The hobby should be fun, so if you have a doll that drives you mad (a bad poser when you want them to be a photography model, for example), you aren't having a fun time with the hobby.

I've only found it difficult to sell a doll when I still love it. Usually when I decide to sell a doll I've made a conscious decision to stop thinking of it as mine and I've already started the separating process, it makes it so much easier to think of it as someone else's doll rather than keep calling it by the name you chose for it, etc. Sometimes I've had to sell a doll because although I still like the doll, the associations the doll has are upsetting. That was difficult, but I also knew that the buyer was really into the doll and that did help me make my decision.

The only sale I've ever flaked on was when I thought I should sell Rupert. This was not long after I got him and I knew that boy dolls weren't really my thing. I thought that because he sat on my shelf looking pretty all day I wasn't playing with him and I should probably move him on. I had a buyer all ready and I tried packing him up and I just cried. I just couldn't let him go and I had to apologise profusely to the buyer. Thankfully she was understanding. It was then that I realised you can still enjoy a doll without having him or her on your lap all the time or dressing them up and photographing them. I haven't photographed Rupert in a year, but every time I go to my bookshelf he's there and beaming, so I know I made the right decision.


Incoming! Clockwise from top; Pink rockinghorse shoes (MSD-size) by Releaserain, patterned skirt by Fyrd8th's Etsy shop, white rockinghorse shoes (SD-size) by Releaserain and the 'Move On Aubrie' steampunk set by Dollheart.

More clothes and, as usual, they're not for me! Of course I'm excited for all of them, but my coup purchase was the Dollheart outfit (there's a better picture of it on my Pinterest.) Dollheart is expensive, but the quality is undeniable and I don't mind paying for that. I also love that there are so many pieces to one Dollheart outfit (this one even includes boots!!) so it's easy to mix and match. This outfit has hat (with steampunk goggles), shirt, jabot with cameo brooch, corsetdress, skirt, cuffs, shorts, stockings and gaiters.

Why two pairs of rockinghorse shoes? Well...rockinghorse shoes are a Lolita fashion staple and I think it's a really cute look, especially for dolls.

The pink pair are for 1/4 scale BJDs (MSD/MiniFee/Kid Delf/Lati Blue...) and they're going to my Volks Kurenai, Melangell. The pink shoes compliment the pink in her patterened skirt from Fyrd8th. For a proper, prim loli look she'll wear white stockings, white bloomers, a petticoat and a white Dollheart shirt. I have a pink ribbon in the same colour as the shoes and accent on the skirt that I'll tie in a bow under her shirt collar.

As for the white pair, they are for 1/3 scale BJDs (Super Dollfie/Delf/Dollfie Dream...) and they're not going to belong to anyone in particular. They're going to complete my Dollheart Pure Maid outfit.
(picture not mine!)
I got most of the pieces of this outfit in a Dollheart Fukubukuro (lucky bag) a few years ago and my dolls usually wear it with burgundy Dale Rae flats, but I think it will look a lot cuter with rockinghorse shoes.

Please check out The Vintage Pearl, it's a fashion blog run by the lovely well-travelled and well-dressed Miss Iffa!

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Shoe Post!

I'm feeling poorly sick today, so instead of going to my friend R's house later for curry and cuddles with my godson, I'm at home and feeling sorry for myself. One thing does cheer me up when I'm sick and that's shoes!!

Besides dolls, my favourite things are shoes. I probably have everything from flats to trainers to boots to heels to sandals...the list goes on.

I don't really have enough time to wear all the shoes I own, which is pretty sad. A lot of my shoes were quite expensive to track down (I have a passion for Doc Martens, Irregular Choice and, annoyingly, sold out Topshop shoes), which means I probably should wear them a lot more than I do...but where would I wear platform mary janes? Around the house? ;)

Inspired by Carrie's WishWishWish fashion blog, I fell for Swedish Hasbeens clogs/sandals! I think they're gorgeous and perfect for summertime. I'm more of a closed toe girl, a sandal has to be something special if I go for a peep toe or open toe shoe, and I think these are cute. They also remind me of the shoes Saffron is first seen wearing in the 'Our Mrs Reynolds' Firefly episode. (Another part of my shoe collecting is buying shoes that could work into a cosplay...and never actually doing the cosplay!)

In other shoe news, I'm eagerly awaiting my pair of Doc Marten Mary Janes in Mint QQ Pearl leather. To cut a long story short, my order got misplaced by the company and my emails weren't getting picked up, but eventually, hopefully, they should be arriving today. I love the colour on screen, so I'm hoping I love them in person. Mint green is quickly becoming my favourite colour!

I always seem to buy shoes in colours other than black, which is a bit silly because I need black shoes for work. I always seem to buy the cheapest black pair of flats I can find, which is false economy because they're ruined in four weeks and I have to get another pair. If I saved up and bought a pair of black Docs specifically for work I would save myself so much money in the long run.