Thursday, 24 November 2011

Party Weekend!

I really should be tidying my room - I'm headed out to Y's tomorrow after work, I'm staying over with her and Saturday we're going to do a spot of festive shopping. Late Saturday afternoon I'm going to head back to Llandudno Junction and have birthday takeaway with B and his family and Sunday is B's birthday...I won't actually be home until Monday!

My room is a tip, I've been focusing on my doll projects for the past week and I've got blue nylon doll hair clippings in my carpet and I can hardly see my bed under all the packaging, but it feels good to be doing something creative and interesting. With B busy doing his uni work and my friends either at work or away, it's good to have something to do with my hands.

I should really get back into writing too. Rerooting dolls is apparently very tedious work, so perhaps when I get fed up of rerooting my Cardassian Monster High doll I'll write another scene of my epic Star Trek rebuilding Cardassia fic.

What do I need to pack for the weekend?

  • Pyjamas
  • Toothbrush
  • Hairbrush
  • B's birthday presents
  • Clothes
  • Perfume
  • Camera?
  • Train tickets & purse
  • Notepad & pen for scribblings
Is that it? Hmm. I've probably forgotten something, I usually do!

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Ghoulia Yelps

I've done it again! Well... My Abbey Bominable hasn't even arrived yet and I'm already planning the next custom. Creating Chathabialeh zh'Bomeen will be a tiny custom compared with this one.

I'm going to be customising Ghoulia Yelps into a Cardassian original character called Glinn Otala Zeltan. This means I have to wipe her face-paint, cut her hair off, reroot her, add Cardassian facial ridges, repaint her and make her a Cardassian military uniform. It should be worth it though.

Otala is one of my favourite original characters, I have such a soft spot for Cardassians anyway, but Otala is a special one to me. She's not a sue though, I wouldn't handle things the same way she does!

I've already ordered some black saran hair and rerooting needles from My Little Customs, I need to head out to the craft shop in Llandudno tomorrow to pick up some grey coloured Fimo. Fimo is awesome stuff. You shape it like plasticine or clay and then bake it at a low temperature to set it. This is how I'll be making Otala's facial and sternum ridges and extended Cardassian neck. I'll model the Fimo on her and then carefully remove it and bake it. When it's set I'll be able to glue it directly to her face and body and with some blushing it should blend in well if I find the right grey.

What I was astonished at when I took off all the face paint is how angular and Cardassian her face actually is. Ridges would complete the pictures, but she has very chiselled features already and her ears are set quite high, which is going to look perfect when her mods are finally done. Monster High dolls actually look prettier when they have less make-up, I think. Ghoulia has lovely lips, but you can't really tell until you take the red lipstick off.

Monday, 21 November 2011

Abbey Bominable!

I won Abbey! Yay! The auction didn't go over £30 either, so I'm pleased with that!

She's not going to stay as the daughter of the Yeti. I know it seems a bit crazy to wipe her and re-paint her when she's so difficult to find, but I think the repaints look much better than the actual factory faces. Abbey (or whatever her name will be) is going to be an Andorian Starfleet officer too, and they're not really known for their over made-up faces.

I need to work out a way of giving her blue antennae - wires covered with blue fimo? Or felt some? I definitely think wire is the way to go, because then they'll be poseable.

Her name's going to be Chathabialeh. Not sure if she'll be a zhen or a shen though(Andorians have four genders, two are roughly comparable with the male gender and two are roughly comparable with the female gender.) Andorian reproduction is difficult to describe. The shen provides the 'egg', which is fertilised by the thaan. This is then fertilized by the chan and implanted into the zhen, who adds her gametes and then the zygote develops into an Andorian infant in her pouch.

It depends on what kind of character I want Chathabialeh to be. Zhens seem to be highly-strung, shens seem to be more easy-going and traditional. Perhaps she should be a zhen - Andorians have white hair, but Abbey Bominable has streaks of blue, purple and pink in her hair. I can't see a shen doing that :p

Chathabialeh zh'Bomeen then, or 'Abi' for short :)

Monday Morning

Off to B's in a bit, but first, a bit more musing on the doll body/Monster High stuff I was thinking about in previous blog posts.

I'm currently bidding on an Abbey Bominable MH doll on eBay. Will see how it goes - have 6 mins to go and I think because she's so hard to find someone is going to swoop and steal my dolly. Grr. If she's much more expensive than this (£30) I'm going to have to sit on my hands to resist retaliatory bidding :p

I talked over the BJD body situation with B last night. He isn't in the hobby, so he's not going to be all excitable and enable me, but he can also appreciate that the hobby makes me he's going to be more balanced than talking it over with my family (who think the hobby is silly) and talking it over with dolly friends, who would probably tell me to get the body :p I will order the Ariadoll body, if I still feel strongly about it, on January's payday, the 20th. It's a distant but close date, January isn't that far away.

I'm trying not to get excited about Abbey. Just in case.

Friday, 18 November 2011

To Buy or Not To Buy?

I've been putting some serious thought into getting a body for my School B head all day today. It's pretty much all I could think about at work.

Next Friday is payday and I'm getting extra money in my pay because it was accidentally left out of last month's wages after I did lots of overtime hours. I know I should probably save this money (and I know that's the best option), but I'm tempted to just go for a body and ask my brother to pay a little towards it for my combined birthday/Christmas present. This way I get to open something on Christmas day that I actually would look forward to opening, (I do like surprises, but I also like knowing what I'm getting too. Knowing what it is and having to wait to get it is part of the Christmas fun for me.)

I've been looking at two options; A brand-new Ariadoll 14 Years Elegance body (without the extra heeled feet to keep costs down) is $348 (£220) including shipping, but there's a Volks SD10 body on the DoA Marketplace for $298 (£188) including shipping. It's a difference of £32. Is it better to go for the cheaper option (used, slightly yellowed body) or just ignore the £32 difference and get the brand new body?

I can't decide. I've been wrestling with it all day. If I'm going to be getting this as a combined birthday/Christmas present, it'll only look credible to my parents if it's in an official company box and looks brand new (point to the Ariadoll body)...but if my family find out how much it cost, £188 sounds a lot better than £220, (point to the Volks body.)

The other thing is, how yellowed is partial yellowing? Do I take a gamble on something that might not work out and might be difficult to sell (Volks body) or do I spend a little more on something that (should) be factory-fresh and have no flaws? Hmm.

I know what I probably should do is ignore the Volks body on the Marketplace and unbookmark my Ariadoll links and forget about this whole thing until after Christmas. Being able to unwrap a BJD at Christmas would be wonderful though :( Torn.

GOOD NEWS though - I checked back on the Viridian House website and Deryn's head is 30% done according to the info. Perhaps she'll be home sooner than I thought!

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Rerooting Repainting

For the past couple of days I've been looking at fashion dolls rather than my usual BJDs. I've always liked fashion dolls, but they've gone by the wayside a little while I've been more interested in BJDs, mainly because I've found BJDs to be more customisable...but! Almost everyone I know has been busily getting into Monster High repaints and while I enjoy doll painting, I'm not under any illusions that I'm half as good as any of the amazing repainters out there.

Instead, I've been looking into rerooting dolls, which seems like a fun (permanent!) alternative to wigs. My Sekiguchi Unoa doll has a really mean fringe and blonde locks that I don't mind, but don't care for terribly either. I wouldn't want to ruin her by doing a terrible amateurish reroot, but I really do want to have a go. Payday is a week away, so I'm thinking of buying some nylon hair and a rerooting needle from My Little Customs and having a go rerooting an unloved Momoko or Monster High doll. They do sell Monster High girls in work, but I know that as soon as I buy one boxed I'll want to keep her mint and I'll feel bad about cutting her hair off and pulling it out :s

I've been scouring eBay and Flickr for adoptable MH and Momokos, haven't found the right one yet for the right price. I really want a Momoko because I know she'll fit in, but I'd work with a MH doll too.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

More New Wig and Christmas Wishes

I have been a bad Jescissa. I just bought those Leekeworld wigs I wanted :p The gorgeous vibrant copper colour was just too amazing to pass up. I wish it wasn't a limited colour, it would be perfect for Deryn.

I like to have a few wigs in the same standard colour for my dolls so that I can mix up their hairstyles a bit without changing their hair colour - I like them to still look like themselves. The only exception to this seems to be Mafonwen who only has the one wig...but her wig just suits her so well that I can't imagine her in another style just yet.

Deryn is going to be another exception - the Leeke wig that arrived yesterday is really gorgeous so some of the time she'll have soft baby brown hair and the rest of the time she's going to be a ginger! I can't wait to see what she looks like in both colours. She'll be back from her face-up in 3-4 weeks and the new Leeke wigs are a preorder so they won't arrive for around 6 weeks. They pretty much will be a Christmas present now!

Lazy Tuesdays

Just got back from a couple of days at B's. I go there Monday afternoon and stay until Tuesday afternoon, so it's probably around 24hrs together, but feels a bit longer.

We've had a really nice time. Last night we made dinner (chicken, chickpeas, tomatoes, peppers, Reggae Reggae sauce and rice) and sat down to watch QI and Have I Got News For You, this morning we got up and had croissants with butter and leerdammer and talked about crisps and sweets from when we were little - after B's lecture finished at 12 we met up at the shop and tracked down some Nik-Naks! Omnomnomnomnom.

We snuggled watching the Daily Show (the global edition is a bit snippetty for me, it feels disjointed compared to the actual daily edition) and giggled lots and then I had to go home. :( Going home is the worst bit - especially knowing I have work in the morning! Oh well.

Monday, 14 November 2011

New Wig and Christmas Wishes

Deryn's new wig has arrived today, but as she's off with Caroline of Viridian House having a new face-up (28th on the list), it's being modeled by Momo instead. I love the Princess Leia buns!

I'm impressed with it - I've been impressed with all the Leeke wigs I have so far. The colours are consistent and there are so many different styles! It's a danger that now I like it on Momoko, it'll become her wig before it ever gets on Deryn's head!

I do want to get a couple of wigs in the Leeke winter event (real carrot, yes please!!) - my mother is always at a loss for what to get me for Christmas and my birthday, but even if I told her I really want a couple of Leekeworld wigs, she'd never buy them. My family think my dolls are a very weird hobby and wouldn't want to be seen to be enabling it, but they'd get a much happier reaction from me if I got to unwrap BJD stuff on Christmas morning rather than a bunch of CDs and socks I wouldn't choose for myself in a zillion years.

Father Christmas, if you're listening, I would love to get two Leekeworld Real Carrot wigs for Christmas; Both in size E(8~9inch), I'd love to get LR-020 and LR-035. A straight style and a wavy style in the same colour so I could mix it up a little! If you're also feeling really generous, I'd love to get the Ariadoll 14 Years Elegance body (beware of nude doll pictures at that link, Mother Christmas might not be impressed) for Deryn so that she doesn't have to share a body with Mafonwen. B-cup torso and flat and heeled feet (not heeled legs!) would be perfect! *Christmas dream*

It probably does sound odd for a 25 year old woman to want to get dolly stuff for Christmas, but that really would be perfect for me. I think that once people got over the fact that I wanted dolly stuff and that they'd have to order online and deal with the cute Engrish of the Asian companies it could work out. In my dreams perhaps.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Saving and Splurging

Last month I was super frugal with my spending, but I definitely feel the urge to spend when I'm not feeling very well! Retail therapy definitely makes me feel better, even if money decreasing doesn't!

Last Thursday I went on a shopping trip with the lovely Bex and her mum. I was already suffering horribly then, but it was good to get out of the house, have a mooch around the shops and spend some time with my extended family :) I did buy Christmas presents (well, one, I've just got some clothes for Michael Patrick so far!), Christmas wrapping paper, some curlers, a tailcomb for styling hair, some dark red jeans and a cream top.

Today, feeling miserable and poorly sick, I have been a menace on eBay and Dollheart. Rather than spoiling myself, I've spoiled my dolls, (yes, I know, this is pretty much the same thing!)
I bought;

  • 18mm Blue Glitter glass eyes - They look really pretty. I bought Morideryn, my School B, some 18mm Hand Glass Craft eyes in Turquoise and they'll be her default eyes, but I want to keep trying different eyes with her for cosplays and things and these were cheap and pretty. I've always been curious about how glittery glass eyes can really be, so this will be a good test!
  • SD10 size Sailor Coat - I'm a sucker for all things nautical, in my last dolly stuff update in June I bought Mafonwen a Volks sailor set (jeans, grey sailor jacket, blue & white striped top). I have a Topshop coat that basically looks exactly the same as this coat. As soon as I saw that I could get one in SD-size I wanted one to match mine. It is also available in MSD (or 1/4) size too, so I might be tempted to buy the smaller one too and Mafonwen can have the big one and Melangell can have a little one.
  • SD10 size tan brogue shoes - The Happiest Princess has some of these for her SD girls (Ibi's wearing the same tan ones I've bought) and I think they look fabulous. It's another wishfulfilment thing for me because I always liked brogue flats, but I don't have the legs for them! For BJD shoes they're really reasonably priced too.
  • SD10 size Dollheart Boots - I wish these were in my size, because I LOVE them. I'll just have to settle for having BJD ones instead. They'll look really good with the morigirl-style I want for Deryn, my School B.

Favourite BJD picture of the day goes to this picture of Miu by Turbow - I was never really into Bluefairy dolls, but then I found Turbow's collection and that definitely changed for me! Turbow's Miu is a Bluefairy Tiny Fairy limited edition Misty-Rose Olive and she looks gorgeous.

Poorly Sick :(

What else do you do when you're feeling sorry for yourself? Update your blog of course!

I was supposed to start NaNoWriMo over a week ago and I've been so poorly since Hallowe'en that I haven't actually started anything. I had a good idea for the story, but I've been so stuffed up with a really bad cold (pretty much flu at this point) that I've not felt clear-headed enough to actually write anything.

I'm missing B. Usually Monday/Tuesday I spend time with him in Bangor, but I've not been able to sleep at night and I didn't want to ruin his sleep by staying awake coughing and sniffling :(